An Introduction To The Orthopaedic Evaluation - Shagun Cares INC

Below is the list of common terminology to understand Orthopaedic Evaluation: DHS Plate (Dynamic Hip Screw Plate) The DHS Plate (Dynamic Hip Screw Plate) is a 4-hole centering dynamic compression plate with locking screws that provide compression to the plates. The plate is contoured to fit the proximal femur and distal femoral head. The DHS combines non-locking screws placed at the distal femoral metaphysis with locking screws placed at the mid-shaft and proximal femur. This is an appropriate option for very unstable or comminuted injuries because it offers dynamic compression until definitive fixation can be obtained. DHS Plate (Dynamic Hip Screw Plate) Specification The DHS Plate (Dynamic Hip Screw Plate) is a 4-hole centering dynamic compression plate with locking screws that provide compression to the plates. The plate is contoured to fit the proximal femur and distal femoral head. The DHS combines non-locking screws placed at the distal femoral metaphysis with locking scr...