Orthopedic Oncology Implants: Procedures for Cancer Treatment


Shagun Cares INC

Orthopedic oncology specialists use a variety of techniques to diagnose and treat cancers of the bones, Arthroscopy implants, hip replacement, and soft tissues. In addition to cancer treatments, orthopedic oncologists use interventional techniques to diagnose and manage bone and soft tissue tumors in patients of all ages. Procedures include biopsy, aspiration, and needle-based therapies, delivery of chemotherapy via the catheter, and minimally or non-invasive surgeries.

Specific procedures can include vertebroplasty (a minimally invasive way to treat fracture of the vertebrae), kyphoplasty (a minimally invasive treatment for compression fractures), intracortical bone grafting (to rebuild and/or support the spinal column), tumor debulking, surgery at joints affected by cancer, amputation and reconstruction surgery, among others.

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Orthopedic Implant

Orthopedic and Oncology Implants Manufacturer in Colombia

Orthopedic implants are used for bone cancer and sarcoma patients who have received tumor removal procedures or have experienced limb loss. The procedure replaces or supports certain regions of the body. Orthopedic implants, such as prosthetic knees, shoulders, hips, and elbows, help restore limb mobility and enhance function.

These devices are designed to help patients manage pain and restore mobility. Patients may also receive physical therapy after their procedure to help them regain muscle tone and strength.

The orthopedic implant procedure has grown in popularity over the years. According to research done by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, there have been nearly 17 million total joint replacement surgeries between 2005 and 2014. This procedure accounted for nearly $28 billion in orthopedic device sales in 2017 alone.

Orthopedic implant devices are used to either replace or support damaged bones and joints in the body. These devices may be required to help restore limb mobility, enhance function and manage pain in patients who have primary bone cancer.

Orthopedic implants are used in the treatment of bone cancer to restore or maintain joint function. Assistive devices and reconstructive surgery may also be used to help improve mobility and decrease pain.


Amputation is a medical term used to describe the procedure of removing a limb, or part of a limb, to prevent or stop the spread of cancer. It may also be used as a treatment for an injury that could not be treated with surgery.

Doctors will consider amputation if the affected limb cannot be saved by surgery or radiation and if the person's life would be at risk if they remained on chemotherapy drugs. A person who has undergone an amputation may need further cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy.

Bone cancer may spread to the bone from other parts of the body and another tumor. It may also be primary cancer that begins in the bone itself.

Amputation may be used to remove cancerous bone tumors from the arm or leg; however, doctors typically consider other options first, such as limb-salvage surgery, which attempts to save the affected limb. Often, when surgeons must remove an arm or leg affected by cancer, they will try to do so while preserving as much function as possible.

Fortunately, with modern prosthetics technology and mobility aids, amputees can get back many of the capabilities they compromised when they had to have a body part removed. This can range from simply walking with the aid of crutches or a cane to carrying out day-to-day activities.

With the help of Arthroscopy implants manufacturer many of these diseases are curable with right treatment. There are such medical products as hip replacement prosthesis, elbow prosthesis which is used to aid support to patients during and after surgery.


Shagun Cares INC

Kyphoplasty/vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive procedure, often used to treat compression fractures of the spinal vertebrae. Compression fractures are the result of a sudden, intense compression of one or more vertebrae and can occur from an injury, osteoporosis, or even severe coughing caused by severe osteoporosis. The procedure can be performed in less than an hour and many patients can return home on the same day. About 1.8 million Americans have osteoporosis, and every year 400,000 people age 50 and older are diagnosed with an osteoporosis-related fracture. Spinal compression fractures most often occur as a result of osteoporosis, a bone disease that causes bone tissue to weaken and become more likely to break.

For people who have recently suffered spinal compression fractures, the most common treatments for pain and immobility include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioid pain medications, followed by physical therapy and bed rest.



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