An Introduction To The Orthopaedic Evaluation - Shagun Cares INC


Shagun Cares INC

Below is the list of common terminology to understand Orthopaedic Evaluation:

DHS Plate (Dynamic Hip Screw Plate)

The DHS Plate (Dynamic Hip Screw Plate) is a 4-hole centering dynamic compression plate with locking screws that provide compression to the plates. The plate is contoured to fit the proximal femur and distal femoral head. The DHS combines non-locking screws placed at the distal femoral metaphysis with locking screws placed at the mid-shaft and proximal femur.

This is an appropriate option for very unstable or comminuted injuries because it offers dynamic compression until definitive fixation can be obtained.

DHS Plate (Dynamic Hip Screw Plate) Specification

The DHS Plate (Dynamic Hip Screw Plate) is a 4-hole centering dynamic compression plate with locking screws that provide compression to the plates. The plate is contoured to fit the proximal femur and distal femoral head. The DHS combines non-locking screws placed at the distal femoral metaphysis with locking screws placed at the mid-shaft and proximal femur.

This is an appropriate option for very unstable or comminuted injuries because it offers dynamic compression until definitive fixation can be obtained.

DHS Plate (Dynamic Hip Screw Plate) Specification

The DHS Dynamic Hip Screw Plate System is a modular system for percutaneous and minimal access surgery of unstable distal femoral fractures. The plate system is available in four different sizes (DHS 1-4) as well as with or without screws. The plates are made of 316L stainless steel and are available in 6 different lengths.

The DHS Plate (Dynamic Hip Screw Plate) Specification was developed by Dr. Robert W. Moser and Dr. Michael T. Sarrasin at the University of Wisconsin and Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in Los Angeles, California.

The designers of the DHS plate were motivated by a desire to improve the results of treatment for a broad range of adult femoral fractures and to greatly simplify the system of implantation and interfragmentary compression.

The DHS-hinged, dynamic hip screw plate is designed with a self-locking dynamic screw which incorporates a torque-sensitive mechanism that allows intraoperative determination of the optimum amount of intraoperative preload.

Consistent with the purpose of these plates, this preload adjustment may be made while the patient is still under anesthesia and before any significant bleeding has occurred; in this way, an appropriate degree of clot retraction can be achieved immediately before clamping or interfragmentary compression.

DHS (Dynamic Hip Screw) Plate Specification. With four screws per plate, no need to choose between two or four screw fixation. The DHS Plate has been designed to provide the optimum combination of compactness, superior stability, and ease of surgery in a dynamic hip screw system.

Elbow prosthesis

The artificial joint components are usually made of metal alloys (a combination of two or more metallic elements). The metal used to make the components is usually cobalt chrome. Another metal alloy used for elbow prosthesis is titanium. These metals are strong and lightweight. They do not corrode and rarely cause an allergic reaction.

The most common type of elbow replacement is the unipolar prosthesis. A variation of this procedure uses bipolar components. In a bipolar elbow prosthesis, there are two stems or central hinges that allow the artificial elbow joint to bend.

Two plastic components are joined together with a plastic and metal ball at each end of the stems. In a unipolar elbow prosthesis, there is only one per side. One stem or central hinge allows the artificial elbow joint to bend.

Elbow joints that are damaged or diseased can be replaced with an artificial joint. The wrong-size artificial elbow joint parts can cause pain or gradually wear away the adjacent bone. The main reason for elbow replacement is an injury to the elbow or trauma, such as a fall on an outstretched hand.

Hip Replacement Prosthesis

The components of a Hip Replacement prosthesis may be made of metal, plastic, or ceramic and are often lined with a soft material such as polyethylene. Because the bone ends are cut precisely and smoothly, the new joint does not require healing.

The surgery may take 1 to 2 hours and you will receive general anesthesia. The surgeon will make either an incision near your groin area or an incision inside your thigh to reach the hip joint to replace it. X-rays are used to help guide the surgery as well as a magnification device (arthroscope--see image at right) attached to an overhead light source.

An artificial hip joint is surgically implanted to replace a diseased hip joint. Hip replacement has improved the lives of people with debilitating hip conditions. Whether due to arthritis, injury, or other causes, joint deterioration can happen to anyone at any time. As the weight-bearing surface of the joint deteriorates, pain and loss of mobility can develop.

Spinal Surgical Instruments

Spine Surgery instruments are used for the spine. These are usually implanted for patients who require spinal fusion and trauma corrections. Spine surgeons use these instruments to remove and place screws, plates, rods, and other types of hardware that support spine alignment.

For comfort, spine surgeons incorporate wound retractors and laminectomy retractors during surgery. These instruments help in removing a small fragment of the skin which is near the spine. They also help in removing the soft tissue along with bony segments within the spine. This helps in making the procedure easy and simple.

Nerve hooks, nerve root hooks, exploration hooks, and retractors are also used for removing a piece of bone along with muscles, nerves, and soft tissues. These specific instruments help in removing different tissue groups to make way for an implant or screws to be placed at a particular area of the spine.

Dental Instruments is a renowned manufacturer of Spinal Surgical Instruments, with a specialization in Surgical Instruments for Spinal Surgery. Some popular products include WOUND RETRACTORS - ROUND END, CURVED END, AND STRAIGHT END, LAMINECTOMY RETRACTORS, NERVE HOOKS, AND ROOT HOOKS, and EXPLORATION HOOKS.

Spinal surgical instruments are designed to assist surgeons in performing spinal procedures. The instruments are designed with precise and delicate features to assure reliable and safe performance for longer durations.

The tools are available in an array of variants with different options that consider the demands of individual surgeries. Each set of tools is available in a unique design, material, and other specifications. When you buy spinal surgical instruments, you will find:

  • Spinal Neurosurgical Instruments

  • Spinal Wound Retractor Set

  • Spinal Laminectomy Retractor Set

  • Spinal Nerve Hooks

  • Spinal Nerve Root Hooks

  • Spinal Exploration Hooks

  • Spinal Tips

All the products can be bought online from Shagun Cares worldwide including countries like Colombia, India and many more.



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